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temagami waterfront, ontario Canada
The content displayed is from the festival held in 2019.
Aboriginal Drumming
Percussions autochtones
The Eight Thunderbird Singers, led by Jamie Saville from Bear Island, honours the song styles of the Teme-Augama Anishnabai (Deep Water People) as well as songs from diverse nations and pow-wow styles. This group shares an important role in keeping the drum for the community of Bear Island.
Sunday July 21, 2019 - 1:00 pm
The Eight Thunderbird Singers, dirigé par Jamie Saville de Bear Island, honore les styles de chansons des Teme-Augama Anishnabai (Deep Water People), ainsi que des chansons de diverses nations et de styles pow-wow. Ce groupe partage un rôle important dans le maintien du tambour pour la communauté de Bear Island.
Dimanche 21 juillet 2019 - 13h00

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